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Re: [tlug] Re: CAT5e CAT6 and Gigabit Ethernet

Jonathan Byrne wrote:
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Stephen Lee" <>
> > What kind of network card are you using?  You cannot saturate a gigabit
> > network with a 32bit/33MHz NIC.  And if you are reading from a single
> > harddisk, 40MByte/s is about what you can get.
> Quite true.  If he's using budget GigE cards, he might saturate the card
> with the disk, though.  A year or so ago I read a review of about a dozen
> GigE cards ranging from bargain-basement to top-of-the-line.  Even the best
> cards only went 800 mpbs or so of actual throughput, and the worst ones were
> in the 200 - 300 mbps range.
> Jonathan

Yes, unless your network cables are long ( >10m) I really doubt the
grade is an issue. Bus, card, disk and other i/o will be the bottleneck.
BTW, what machines are these ? Sun ? Intel ?


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