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[tlug] c++ compile prolem

Sorry to ask such a basic question, but short of learning c++ 
there's not much I can do.

I need to install some c++ programmes and I've hit a compile error.

---------------------------------------------------- In method `XMap::XMap(int)': ANSI C++ forbids implicit conversion from `void *' in 
*** Error code 1

Stop in /web/standard/

gcc version 2.95.3 20010315 (release) [FreeBSD]

This is code section below, the error line, line 32, is 
higlighted with ***  I assume off_t is standard type, it's not 
defined in the source anywhere. I've fiddled with compile options 
to no avail.


XMap::XMap(int filedesc)
     : fd(filedesc)
     struct stat st;
     fstat(fd, &st);
     mapsize = st.st_size;
     entryNum = mapsize / ENTRYSIZE - 1;
     mapaddr = mmap(NULL,        // start address (hint)
                    mapsize,     // size
                    PROT_READ,   // protection
                    MAP_SHARED,  // flags
                    fd,          // file descriptor
***                (off_t)0 );         // file offset
     if((caddr_t)(-1) == mapaddr)
         PRINTERRMSG("mmap() failed.");
     maxoffset = getbase(entryNum); // 

     scores = new int[TYPENUM + 1];
     short int *p = (short int *)((char *)mapaddr +
                                  ENTRYSIZE * entryNum + 
     scores[0] = 1;
     for(int i = 0; i < TYPENUM; i++)
         scores[i+1] = p[i];

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