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Re: [tlug] Japanese Word-Processing in Gentoo

On 土, 2003-02-15 at 20:53, Ulrich Plate wrote:
> Stuart Luppescu wrote:
> > How do I get latex to handle Japanese? On my RedHat 7.3
> > machine at home (soon to be switched to Gentoo), I have platex as part
> > of the tetex package, but it is not included in the Gentoo tetex
> > ebuild.
> Not in portage, but this will probably do:
> > Moreover, after platex'ing and dvips'ing my file, the Japanese didn't
> > show up in the ps file. I tried all different kinds of encoding, with
> > no success. Do I need a special version of ghostscript? In any case,
> > what do I do in Gentoo?
> The Ghostscript fonts for CJK are also available via GentooJP rather
> than the official portage tree. Try if this ebuild helps:

Thanks. I'll look into these. Right after I hastily posted this, after
searching the Gentoo forums, I found this page:
It seems a bit out of date, but provides a lot of good info. One problem
is the CJK package requires a newer latex than Gentoo provides (when
will they come out with an ebuild for tetex 2.0.1?). There are some
other inconsistencies, but I'm working on it.

Stuart Luppescu       -=-
University of Chicago -=- CCSR 
才文と智奈美の父    -=- Kernel 2.4.19-pre10-xf              
If our behavior is strict, we do not need fun! 

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