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Re: [tlug] Grub Nerd Test

On Tue, Sep 24, 2002 at 04:37:15PM +0900, BABA, Yoshihiko wrote:
> n wrote:
> >How could I get redhat as a boot option after I install lycoris? 
> >If I first of all install lycoris and then redhat would I have a similar 
> >issue, but having red hat appear and no lycoris boot option?
>  "if you're posting a question, try to do some research before you post 
> it." (

Evil spammer that I am I'm also going to mention my own grub page at



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gpg --keyserver --recv-keys EB3467D6

Buffy: Oh, no... I have to go take an English make-up exam.
They give you credit just for speaking it, right?

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