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Re: [tlug] Games

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Hmm. Should have sent my post to the list as well.

On Thu, Sep 12, 2002 at 01:01:54PM -0400, Josh Glover wrote:
> I am not sure if Loki failed because all Linux users want stuff for
> free or there are just not enough Linux-only gamers out there to
> support what they were doing.

The Linux versions of games such as Quake3 were available at T-Zone in
Akihabara for a while, but they didnt last long.

> I also know a lot of people who do everything in Linux, but keep a
> Windows partition around *only* for gaming.

I did, but not anymore. Until a couple of years ago, all you could play
(well) on Linux was xbill.

> I think the biggest problem for Loki is that the Windows or console
> versions of games came out long before their ports, so only people
> whose loyalty to Linux was stronger than their desire to play game X
> actually held out for the Loki port, months after the Windows version
> was available.

I doubt that all gamers want to play all games as soon as they come out.
Loki's main problem was just the niche market of Linux only gamers.

> Transgaming, IMO, has a *much* better business model: let Linux users
> play the Windows versions of games without rebooting.

And they claim that they will release most of it as GPL once they have
enough subscribers. Im not so sure about that, but still its better than

> > 2) Which OS(s)/Console(s) do you use to play computer games?
> Usually PS2, sometimes DreamCast, but almost never Linux.[1]

Not even tuxracer? glines?


> > 3) Do you play W$ games with your Linux system?
> Never have.

Its easier than it looks. Even the original Wine has come a long way.

> > 4) Do you play only GPL games on your Linux system?
> Hell no. I have nothing against commercial software in general.[2]

Same here. Im against bad software, but not commercial software.

> > 4) Do you agree to pay for games for your Linux box?
> Sure, if they are compelling enough to make me shrug off my "I do not
> game on my computer" attitude. Neverwinter Nights looks like such a
> game.

When will it be out? Im still waiting.

> > 7) Other remarks, questions...
> What do you plan on doing with this data? I would love to see you make
> some graphs or something and put them up on a website. Maybe even the
> TLUG website, as it seems to be a good poll.

That would be good.

> Die, you Java-loving Pinko! Give me C++ or give me bloody and painful
> death! ;)


- -- 
A. Sajjad Zaidi
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