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Re: [tlug] IP Masquerading

> My Fujitsu ADSL router does have a "bridge mode" option. I tried
> setting it to bridge mode, but then was unable to see the Internet.
> Could you give me some more details about how you had the
> Corega router set up behind your ADSL router?

Sorry, I said this would work, but I never had that kind of a router
cascade. All I ever did was running the DSL router in bridge mode to do
PPPoE directly from a PC, but I never set up a second router in between. It
should really work sans probleme, though, if your Corega can do NAT, that's
just fine then.

> If I'm setting the ADSL router to bridge mode, do I need to
> configure the Corega router with the PPPoA username/password
> that I usually set in the Fujitsu router?

That's right. If you put your DSL router in bridge mode, your Corega has to
handle the PPP connection. But that should be PPPoE, not PPPoA, you don't
have direct access to the ATM interface, that's what the Fujitsu
bridge/modem is supposed to do for you. Seriously, the Corega manual should
be able to explain this setup much better than I can.

Good luck
Ulrich Plate

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