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[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index]Re: [tlug] Hiroshima Linux Users Group, soon coming
- Date: Wed, 7 Aug 2002 11:24:47 -0400
- From: Josh Glover <>
- Subject: Re: [tlug] Hiroshima Linux Users Group, soon coming
- References: <> <>
- User-agent: Mutt/1.4i
On Wed, Aug 07, 2002 at 08:05:45PM +0900, Eric Oliver Flores quoth, and most verily thus: > TLUG, > > I am about to start the Hiroshima Linux Users Group, H-LUG for short. > I will model the H-LUG after TLUG same type of LUG theme non-profit type. > My target date to start will be September 29th. I will start the official > announcement over the net in English and Japanese languages start August > 9th. > > It would be greatly appreciated if some of you experience guys out there > provide me some input and tips on how to get started. I have been where you are, having founded WAMLUG, the William and Mary Linux User's Group, at my university. It is also modelled after TLUG. Some suggestions: - Find a couple of people who are willing to help you out *before* you formally found the LUG. You will get *very* tired getting all of the pieces in place all by yourself. - Set up as much infrastructure as you can before the formal opening. Get the mailing lists, webpage, and so on set up and tested thoroughly long before you subject them to your LUGgers. Jonathan posted a link to Linux Orbit LUG Support Program[1] to tlug-admin awhile back, take a look. - Try to find a company or university or something to sponsor you--even a little bit of money at the beginning helps a lot. Alternately, subscribe to tlug-admin, as we have been having a discussion on how best to alleviate TLUG of some of its surplus money, maybe you could build a case for TLUG to donate some money to H-LUG. - Publicise, build a buzz. See if there exist any big players in the Linux game in Hiroshima. Talk to them. - Try to line up some good speakers for the first few meetings. People who are known, or at least, have written programs that are known. Matsumoto Yukihiro (creator of Ruby) would be one good idea. The more exciting you can make those first few meetings, the more likely you are to get off to a good start. Above all, good luck, and have fun, because that is what this Open Source thing is supposed to be about, right? Feel free to email me privately if you need help that you do not want being posted to this list. OTOH, the discussion might be good for the list. HTH, Josh [1] -- Josh Glover <> Associate Systems Administrator INCOGEN, Inc.
- Follow-Ups:
- Re: [tlug] Hiroshima Linux Users Group, soon coming
- From: Scott Robbins
- RE: [tlug] Hiroshima Linux Users Group, soon coming
- From: Eric Oliver Flores
- Re: [tlug] Hiroshima Linux Users Group, soon coming
- From: Jim Tittsler
- References:
- Re: [tlug] [announcement] 8/16 TLUG nomikai meeting
- From: //mauro//
- [tlug] Hiroshima Linux Users Group, soon coming
- From: Eric Oliver Flores
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