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[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index]Re: [tlug] Multilanguage environment and encodings
- Date: Fri, 19 Jul 2002 00:41:29 -0400
- From: Viktor Pavlenko <>
- Subject: Re: [tlug] Multilanguage environment and encodings
- References: <>
>>>>> "SZ" == Stoyan Zhekov <> writes: SZ> 1. fonts - if I config Sylpheed with japanese fonts, i cannot SZ> read bulgarian (cp1251 encoding) and reverse. Is the UTF-8 SZ> the only solution? But I recieve emails with mixed encodings SZ> so can for example iconv be used to convert them to the SZ> common encoding (maybe some procmail recipe?) And how to SZ> enter texts? UTF-8 editor (xemacs? something else?) and SZ> iconv to cp1251 or jp? I use emacs for text editing & email in English, Ukrainian, Japanese and some others (like Russian which isn't worth mentioning:). Input methods are in the leim package, fonts come with the linux distribution, and there are some fonts from GNU emacs too. I would love to hear what others use. Emacs is everything but xterms (unfortunately) exist too :) Viktor
- Follow-Ups:
- Re: [tlug] Multilanguage environment and encodings
- From: Charles Muller
- References:
- [tlug] Multilanguage environment and encodings
- From: Stoyan Zhekov
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