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Re: [tlug] Linux-compatible printers in Japan?

On Fri, Jul 05, 2002 at 07:37:39AM +0900, Jack Morgan wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 04, 2002 at 12:52:37PM -0400, Josh Glover wrote:
> > Does Gentoo count as a major distro? ;)
> What constitutes a major distro...
> --been around for more than a year or two
> --been slashdot'ed
> --packages the distro (eg, box set or cd, etc)
> --others?
> How many "distro" out there are just struggling projects...
> I'd say 40%.(There is nothng wrong with being a strugging project :-)

Actually, Gentoo is now (according to distrowatch) one of the top ten.
I'm still not sure it's ready for PrimeTime, but on the other hand, were
I putting it on a production machine, I'd be a lot more conservative and
probably wouldn't break it as often.  :) 

So, I would think that the number of users should be a factor--I don't
know if Gentoo's been around a year yet, but it's certainly taken off
since you first introduced me to it.  

Scott from NY

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