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[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index]Re: Plan 9 (was: Re: Software Design (was: Re: [tlug] Confessions of a closet OpenBSD user))
- Date: Mon, 1 Jul 2002 15:21:17 +0900
- From: Uva Coder <>
- Subject: Re: Plan 9 (was: Re: Software Design (was: Re: [tlug] Confessions of a closet OpenBSD user))
- References: <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <>
- User-agent: Mutt/1.4i
On Sun, Jun 30, 2002 at 11:02:54AM -0400, Viktor Pavlenko wrote: > > Thanks. Okay, you have intrigued me. Now the question is: how usable > Plan9 is? Anybody run it? Is it worth playing with? (I do remember > jokes about Plan9 in people's signatures). I find it very usable, but there is a bit of a learning curve. Plan 9 isn't UNIX. Imagine having a 'cp' command without the '-R' switch. You will need to find a work around for some things that you take for granted, but otherwise it is a remarkable system. You'll not find much, if any, bloat. BTW the OS Inferno (Plan 9-like w/ modifications) does have a more comfortable command line, and the '-R' switch does exist in the Inferno environment. The documentation was written by developers and might be difficult to interpret the meaning at times. There isn't much in the way of HOWTOs just yet, so the enjoyment of Plan 9 amoung individuals might vary greatly. I'm currently evaluating the web and dns services under Plan 9. Plan 9 is secure after a fresh install. So far I have not had any problems running Plan 9 on my network, but I'm trying hard to find them before possibly replacing my current web and dns servers. Plan 9 version 2 didn't fair well with many people. Then the Plan 9 version 3 open source license was disapproved by R. Stallman as not being a real open source license. Stallman is correct, but I'm happy to be able to view the source anyway. Plan 9 version 4 has been overhauled and a verdict hasn't been made to my knowledge. Having worked with Plan 9 (versions 2, 3, and 4), I can say that Plan 9 has come a *very* long way. BTW I don't subscribe to the idea that any one operating system can or should do it all. I'm not throwing out my NetBSD and Linux CDs. But Plan 9, however, can currently fill a middleware niche very well. That's my 2 cents. :) -- Uva Coder
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