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Re: [tlug] NetBSD dhclient...

>>>>> "Michael" == Michael Doughty <> writes:

    Michael> I have scanned through the dhclient.conf and
    Michael> dhclient-script files seeing nothing that seemed wrong.
    Michael> I even took a shot at rewriting them to explicitly
    Michael> require the nameservers in it's lease, but this didn't do
    Michael> any good.

The Debian linux dhclient-script (originally from NetBSD) contains
this function

make_resolv_conf() {
  echo search $new_domain_name >/etc/resolv.conf
  for nameserver in $new_domain_name_servers; do
    echo nameserver $nameserver >>/etc/resolv.conf

and calls it when

if [ x$reason = xBOUND ] || [ x$reason = xRENEW ] || \
   [ x$reason = xREBIND ] || [ x$reason = xREBOOT ]; then
  # lots of config stuff elided #
  exit_with_hooks 0


if [ x$reason = xTIMEOUT ]; then
  # stuff elided #
  ############## what is -w in ping?
  if ping -q -c 1 $1; then
    # stuff elided #
    exit_with_hooks 0
  ifconfig $interface inet down
  exit_with_hooks 1

exit_with_hooks 0
# end script #

Look familiar?

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