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Re: [tlug] McLennan banned

On 02:34 AM 03/04/2002, Matt Doughty wrote....
--------------------START QUOTE---------------------
>but if
>you can't see he incites people then we have nothing to talk 
---------------------------END QUOTE --------------------

"incitement" "causing a stir" "rattling the cage" Yes we had 
better stop that! Hammer down that nail! We certainly shouldn't 
allow someone to be different should we? I for one am very 
frightened by those people who are different than me. If we let 
them speak their mind now, pretty soon everyone will want to say 
what they think! Can't have that can we?

Sorry Matt, but the thought police are not allowed on my 
computer I think it's time you took a break and got off this 
island to see how the rest of the world thinks. I usually do not 
get personal but this infuriates me. Last time I looked the 
"delete" button was still right where it has always been. Go 
ahead and censor your own mail but not mine! I once thought this 
list was a good place to learn but the narrow minded opinions 
expressed in the last couple of days astounds me and worries me.

I could not let this go by without speaking up, however, this 
list is for the discussion of Linux so this is my last posting 
on this subject. Back to Linux.


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