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Re: cd using inodes?

On Thu, Oct 25, 2001 at 06:58:47AM +0000, Jean-Christian Imbeault wrote:
> Cool!
> That helps solve my previous problem on how to cd/ls/rm etc ... to dir/files 
> that have mangled japanese names!
> I still can't read the names but at least I can do operations on them now!

Did you try just using shell filename completion. That's a more normal
way of doing it. Also, if you do an ls and pipe it to cat -v you can
see the control characters.


$ touch ^Gding^G

(Press ctrl-v then ctrl-g to give you the control character ^G)

if you do an ls you see...

$ ls

To see what the ? really is, try

$ ls | cat -v

Now it's easy to type the control characters so you can do operations on
the filenames. Same probably works with Japanese I'd imagine.

Thomas O'Dowd. - Nooping - - Testing -

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