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Re: RH 6.2 install causes screen to explode

On Wed, Jul 11, 2001 at 06:31:11PM +0900, Peter Evans wrote:
> > rpm -ihv XFree86*
> > 
> > Did it work? What dependancies failed? Send in the full list
> > if you can't make head nor tail of it and I'll try help out.
> I ran it and it stopped after a single rpm, saying that this needed
> and  So I tried
> rpm -q --whatprovides libtcl*
> which said that nothing provided it.

This command only works if you have a package installed that provides it,
in which case the dependancy would have worked in the first place :)

> > [snippety snip]
> > Another way to find the name of the rpm that it comes from
> > is to go to and type in the name of the library 
> > or filename and let it find the rpm name. Then look for that
> > on your cd.
> Amazing site. Aha, it's obvious that libtcl* is within
> tcl-8.0[blahblah].rpm. All right, I try:
> rpm -ihv tcl*
> but read that I can't install that without and
> ls tk*
> reveals the existence of something called tk-8.0[blahblah].rpm --
> incidentally, what's a sensible way to refer to this? In DOS it would be
> tk-8*.rpm, of course on the (inapplicable) assumption that there's only
> one period -- so I try
> rpm -i tk-8*
> but this tells me that I need
> Catch-22, or what?

Could be, but just install them on the same line...

# rpm -ihv tcl* tk-8*

That should work, right...

Thomas O'Dowd. - Nooping - - Testing -

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