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Re: RH 6.2 install causes screen to explode

On Wed, Jul 11, 2001 at 05:39:38PM +0900, Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:
> >>>>> "Thomas" == Thomas O'Dowd <> writes:
>     Thomas> There's nothing wrong with what you've got right now in
>     Thomas> terms of Redhat.
> I beg to differ; nothing wrong with the Red Hat series of distros
> (that's relevant to this thread).  But he has a hardware compatibility
> problem.  That means that a more recent distro than Red Hat 6.2, which
> defaults to installing XFree86 4.0x, is likely to have a server that
> knows about his hardware.

Well, might as well install all the Xfree86 packages at install time,
but don't bother configuring them and pull the rpms of 4.x down and
do an upgrade using rpm -Uhv. At least by installing X in the beginning
you'll get all the other X tools installed too, so that you don't have
to go fishing for them after installing 4.x later. Then again, as you
said just get RH 7.1 as it supports 4.x and is that bit better and more
secure than 6.2. 7.1 is on a lot of Japanese linux mags lately so it
shouldn't be too hard to come by if you can't download it.

Thomas O'Dowd. - Nooping - - Testing -

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