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Well then convince your boss that you'll be much more productive on
linux and that you need vmware to read those attachments (as I did;
they went even further and installed linux for other IT people; you
should have seen the guy on a linux box who runs vi thru telnet thru
vmware, and another one who uses xemacs only with his mouse :). Yes,
it's a pain to ftp an office file to vmware and back but since I have
to do it once in two or three weeks I can live with it.


>>>>> "PE" == Peter Evans <> writes:

    PE> But if even a Red Hat employee is forced to keep
    PE> using a 'doze machine (or system) because of all the other
    PE> people who pester him with 'doze-specific files, I'm sure I
    PE> will be too, and for the same reason. (My institution is
    PE> inseperably wedded to Office, and I routinely receive Word
    PE> [ughh!] and Excel files.)

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