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Re: kapm-idled

On Mon, Jun 04, 2001 at 05:32:19PM +0900, B0Ti wrote:

> So why do you say that the design is dumb, Chris?

* Scheduler sends CPU a HLT 'cause its idle.  kapm-idled wakes up CPU to
  send it another HLT.  See a problem there?

* The APM BIOS is _incredibly_ icky and unstable.  Step one when troubleshooting
  linux on a laptop is turning off APM support.  Benefits from having a nifty
  GUI tool to control APM certainly don't outweigh the HLT problem.

I'm sure that it's got a really neat, attractive, and easy-to-use GUI
interface, though.

-- Chris
	"The only box we've ever had owned was running OpenBSD." -- J. Byrne

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