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FYI, Linus Torvalds is in Japan now for the promotion of his autobiography,
although give up any hope of meeting him or whatever, he's like completely
guarded off by this "Agent in Charge" (some crap PR agency), and the
"Talks With Linus Torvalds Organizing Committee." If you are interested,
they are holding a series of interview sessions at the Tokyo Dome Hotel,
starting from 9:30 next monday, but don't expect to see him or anything.

Also, there's the "Linux in Japan Today: A Panel Discussion", where Linus,
Cliff Miller and several people from the Japan Linux Association will discuss
about the technical and business aspects of Linux and its future...
This will be on 5/30 15:30-16:30, at the Sunbridge Venture Habitat Seminar
Room at Shibuya Mark City:

But you need an invitation to get in.  This "Sunbridge" is a venture capital
and incubator in the Shibuya "bit-valley", which ...  oh never mind.

Ah, poor Linus. Probably he'll be bored to death.  I don't think discussing the
business aspect of Linux with Linus would bring any new information or insight...

If you want to try to organize some beer sessions with Linus, you could try 


It seems that Shogakukan (the publishers) are the main guys, but the people
that are actually involved come from this Sunbridge.  So I wouldn't expect them
to even heard of TLUG.

But oh well....

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