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Re: Doh!

>>>>> "Jean-Christian" == Jean-Christian Imbeault <> writes:

    Jean-Christian> But I just realized there is almost no hope for me
    Jean-Christian> (not in the gran scheme of thing I hope). I
    Jean-Christian> realized that I didn't actually delete the file,
    Jean-Christian> vi overwrote it with the new edits (which
    Jean-Christian> unfortunately was a 1000dd) ... so the file still
    Jean-Christian> exists, the data has just been overwritten.

So?  There's a good chance that the lost dozen or saves are still
around, intact.  With luck, their directory entries will be, too.
Midnight Commander (real men use e2fsdebug, but I digress) will find
all of the entries in undelete mode.  "If you keep on tryin', you'll
feel like dying, but you'll find a way" to recover a file that's dear
to you.  (With apologies to Jim Messina.)

CVS rules.  (PRCS is better VC, but CVS is a convenient way to
manually synch across machines, too, and PRCS don't do networks. :( )

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