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RE: Linux and ADSL

beware redhat 7.0.... BEWARE!!  if I were you I'd back it all up, reformat,
and install Redhat 7.1.

why?  7.0 did something that I've never, in over 6 years of using Linux,
come across.  For no reason at all, just COMPLETELY trashed my ext2fs file
system to the point where /usr/lib was no longer a directory and /lost+found
contained only spotty remnants of what used to be in there.  No bad sectors
on the disk - ie, no IDE errors at all while the fsck that caught this was
running, and when reinstalling 7.1, I did the "check for bad blocks" - none
found.  I'm not sure exactly what caused this, but... no other distro I've
seen has done this.  7.1 seems to be okay, it's been running on this laptop
now longer than I had 7.0 on there for, and so far, so good.

BTW, does anyone know if the FreeS/WAN guys have a patch now that works
against 2.4.4?  Alan Cox took out some part of one of the kernel structures
that was flagged as "obsolete", but guess what, FreeS/WAN was using it... I
talked to Alan about it already, he says it's intentional and that it's
FreeS/WAN's problem to make their stuff work..

Scott M. Stone <>
Senior Technical Consultant - UNIX and Networking
Taos, the Sysadmin Company - Santa Clara, CA

-----Original Message-----
From: Bryan Mark []
Sent: Thursday, May 24, 2001 7:12 AM
Subject: Re: Linux and ADSL

If it's any consolation, I've been waiting for Flets ADSL since early April.

They are reeeallly slow at processing orders - must be busy (then again, I'm

in Nakanoku - which is not the center of cool broadband development if you 
know what I mean :^)) - according to a recent survey I saw at inc. the

number of DSL users is growing at a mammoth rate, but still few homes 
overall are connected.
I currently use Flets ISDN with a RH7.0 linux box as a NAT with a 2.4.0 
kernel - works great - I am hoping to do the same thing with ADSL, as long 
as getting the PPPoE driver to work is easy. As an ISP I use AT&T JENS, 
which gives you a dynamic global IP - but if the connection times out and 
then reconnects you get assigned a different IP address; so not very useful 
for running a globally visible web server, I assume the same thing will 
happen with the ADSL service.

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