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>>>>> "SN" == SN Diamond <> writes:

    SN> the output was something resembling raw JIS.

You mean like this?  No kanji or kana visible at all?  No high-bit-set
characters?  No escape sequences?  Just a sequence of octets < 128?

NKF(1L)                                                   NKF(1L)

       nkf - Network Kanji code conversion Filter v1.9

       nkf [ options ] [ file ]

       Nkf  is a yet another kanji code converter among networks,
       hosts and terminals.  It converts input kanji code to des-
       ignated  kanji  code such as 7-bit JIS, MS-kanji (shifted-
       JIS) or EUC.

       One of the most unique facicility of nkf is the  guess  of
       the  input kanji code.  It currently recognizes 7-bit JIS,
       MS-kanji (shifted-JIS) and  EUC.   So  users  needn't  the
       input kanji code specification.

       By  default  X0201  kana is converted into X0208 kana. For
       X0201 kana, SO/SI, SSO and ESC-(-I methods are  supported.
       For automatic code detection, nkf assumes no X0201 kana in
       MS-Kanji. To accept X0201 in MS-Kanji, use -X, -x or -S.

       Options are bellow:

       -b     bufferd output.  This is a default.

       -u     unbufferd output.

       -t     no operations.

       -j     output 7-bit JIS code.  This is a default.

       -s     output MS-kanji (shifted-JIS) code.

       -e     output EUC (AT&T) code.

       -ic    output ESC-$-c as sequence to  designate  JIS-kanji
              (Default is B.)

       -oc    output ESC-(-c as sequence to designate single-byte
              roman characters (Default is B.)

       -r     {de/en}crypt ROT13/47

       -v     display Version

       -T     Text mode output (MS-DOS)

       -m     MIME ISO-2022-JP/ISO8859-1 decode. (default) To see
              ISO8859-1 (Latin-1) -l is necessary.

       -mB    Decode MIME base64 encoded stream. Remove header or
              other part before conversion.

       -mQ    Decode MIME quoted stream. '_' in  quoted  is  con-
              verted to space.

       -m0    No MIME decode.

       -M     MIME  encode.  Header  style.  All  ASCII  code and
              control characters are intact.

       -MB    MIME encode.  Base64 stream.  Kanji  conversion  is
              performed  before  encoding, so this cannot be used
              as a picture encoder.

       -l     Input and output code is  ISO8859-1  (Latin-1)  and
              ISO-2022-JP.  -s, -e and -x are not compatible with
              this option.

       -fn    Folding on n length in a line. Default 60.

       -X     Allow X0201 kana in MS-Kanji.  X0201  is  converted
              into X0208 by default.  This is default in MSDOS.

       -x     Try  to  preseve  X0208 kana.  Assume X0201 kana in
              MS-Kanji. And do not convert X0201 kana  to  X0208.
              In  JIS output, ESC-(-I is used. In EUC output, SSO
              is used.

       -Z     Convert X0208 alphabet to ASCII. -Z1 converts X0208
              kankaku  to  one  ASCII  space.  -Z2 converts X0208
              kankaku to two ASCII spaces.

       -S     Assume MS-Kanji  and  X0201  kana  input.  It  also
              accpet  JIS.  AT&T EUC is recognized as X0201 kana.
              Without -x  flag,  X0201  kana  is  converted  into

       -J     Assume   JIS  input.  It also accepts Japanese EUC.
              This is the default. This flag  does  not  excludde

       -E     Assume AT&T EUC input. It also accpet JIS.  Same as

       -B     Assume broken JIS-Kanji, which lost  ESC.   Usefull
              when  your  site is using old B-News Nihongo patch.
              -B1 allows any  char  after  ESC-(  or  ESC-$.  -B2
              forces ASCII after NL.

       -O     Output  result to file. The first name in arguments
              becomes output.  Please be careful. If there are no
              file arguments, nkf.out is chosen.

       -c     add CR after NL.

       -d     delete CR after NL.

       -L[wmu] new line mode
                  -Lu   unix (LF)
                  -Lw   windows (CRLF)
                  -Lm   mac (CR)
              default no conversion

       --     long options
               --fj,--unix,--mac,--msdos, --windows
                     convert for these system

                     convert for named code
                     assume input system

               -- ignore rest of -option


       nkf - binary

       Itaru    Ichikawa    <>    (was

EDITOR (Akihiko Kuroe) (Shinji KONO)

       Nkf  cannot  handle  some  input that contains mixed kanji
       codes.  Automatic code detection becomes  very  weak  with
       -x, -X and -S.

                           24/Feb/2000                          1

If the escapes were present you would just need to run man in a
kterm.  You might need to play with the encoding (bottom of the VT
Options menu, Ctrl-Mouse-3).

    SN> "man nkf" could be filtered through "nkf" in order to produce
    SN> a readable manual page.

Um, used on my man page it's the identity.

University of Tsukuba                Tennodai 1-1-1 Tsukuba 305-8573 JAPAN
Institute of Policy and Planning Sciences       Tel/fax: +81 (298) 53-5091
_________________  _________________  _________________  _________________
What are those straight lines for?  "XEmacs rules."

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