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Re: Three questions

On Wed, 7 Feb 2001, Christopher SEKIYA wrote:

> On Wed, Feb 07, 2001 at 09:55:46AM +0530, archan wrote:
> >    /dev/hda1    Linux-Swap                                256MB
> >    /dev/hda2    Linux-Native (ext2/RaiserFS)     5.5GB  (considering u 
> 	are installing complete Mandrake7.2)
> >    /dev/hda3    Windows (FAT32/NTFS)             3GB   
> >    /dev/hda4    (anything u want)                        (rest of the 
> > space)    (this is data partition)
> That's not a good idea.
> * Windows main partition should always be the first partition, due to
>   MS lossage.
> * Root partition should be separate from all other partitions, and it should
>   be small.  Further, it should use a known-good filesystem.  ReiserFS
>   does not qualify.
> * There is no benefit to having a swap partition that is larger than physical
>   RAM.  Memory overcommit is a bad thing.
> * Use extended partitions.  DOS boxes are not limited to four partitions if
>   an extended partition is used.
> UNIX admins generally agree that One Large Filesystem(tm) is a bad thing.

yeah, I only do the One Large Filesystem thing on my test boxes, ie, the
ones that are usually used for games, and usually run Windows :)  my
"production" machines are all nicely segmented.

I have to admit, though, that FreeBSD does a MUCH better job of handling
partitions.  you make ONE partition, and then you make little slices
WITHIN that partition that actually become your filesystems, so you dont
have to deal with this primary/extended partition bullsh*t that some moron
decided would be a Good Fscking Idea somewhere along the line.. "who needs
more than 4 partitions anyway?  I mean, hell how many ways DO you want to
segment up that massive 30mb drive on your XT anyway, Billy?)

And yeah, ReiserFS is generally considered to still be "bad".  If you have
an extra partition, put Reiser on it to play with, but I wouldn't trust
anything important to it yet.

I'm still praying every night that Veritas will port VxFS/VxVM to Linux
and/or BSD.  ext2fs MUST GO, and it MUST GO SOON, if Linux is not to be
laughed out of the enterprise world.

Scott M. Stone <>
Cisco Certified Network Associate, Sun Solaris Certified Systems Administrator
UNIX Systems and Network Engineer
Taos - The SysAdmin Company 

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