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> In open source, having a private workspace doesn't mean a source fork.

In effect it does, as the main source tree will typically move forward while
your changes are being made (unless you have enough control to make the
changes on the current head).  Eventually changes made in a private
workspace either remain private or have to be merged back in.  In the later
case you had a temporary branch (or a fork).

> I'd like to see you join the history of honorable gaiatsu in this
> respect, even if you don't think the particular changes you need are
> of "general interest."

OK - I understand where you're coming from.  Actually, as I mentioned in a
previous mail, the japanization work is not being done on Mozilla or any
existing open source project.  It cannot be, as there is nothing close to
what I need at the moment.  I would be interfacing to existing henkan
services however.  No changes to the core systems would be required.

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