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Re: Epson LP800-S & Linux

Jonathan Shore ( wrote:

Jonathan> Was wondering whether anyone has successfully been able to get an Epson
Jonathan> LP800-S printer working with Linux (this model only available in Japan).
Jonathan> Unfortunately seems to be a new breed of printer where the print processing
Jonathan> is done on the source computer.

AKA a Winprinter, since abominations like those and Winmodems first
debuted with Windows drivers.  I think some Winmodems are now
supported under Linux, but it makes me ask "Why?"  There are much
better modems around, and it's not worth the savings.  If I had
Winmodem, I'd just throw it away.  If it says "Win," you lose.

I found a web page in Japanese about using an LP-800S with FreeBSD

It also has a link to this page:

Which lists, among other things, a regular LP-800 on a Linux
compatibility list.  This page is also in Japanese, and has a lot of
info and links.

Going more into depth on the above pages is left as an
exercise for the reader.

Jonathan> Otherwise any recommendations for an inexpensive laser printer that works
Jonathan> correctly with Linux?  Though I like postscript and know postscript-based

Nobody ever got fired for buying an HP printer.  I personally like
them so well that I would probably never buy anything but an HP

If the printer doesn't have to be new, it might also be worth taking
a look at used Postscript printers.  A guy a work with knows a guy who
is in the used printer business.  He's honest, a great printer
mechanic, has reasonable prices, and is a native English speaker.  Let
me know if you need his email address and I'll get it for you.

Among new, non-ps printers, again, nobody ever got fired for buying
HP.  They're very well-supported by Linux, too.  Generally, though,
anything that's supported by your Ghostscript version should be OK.

One note about Japanese Postscript printers.  J-Postscript behaves a
bit differently, so that you really need a Japanese Postscript prin
filter (Vine Printfilters has one) or a script to properly handle
ascii printing (TurboLinux used to have a little script called jlpr;
now they have the Vine Printfilters).  To that end, if you do go with
a used Postscript printer, there might be something to be said for getting
one that doesn't have J-Postscript, if you can. 


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