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tlug: archiving mail

Howdy, all.

Tonight, on "As The Home Directory Expands"...

I've been trying to come up with a good way of automating the process
of archiving my old mail (moving messages older than a certain date
into separate folders and compressing them). I've looked at various
ways of doing it, and while it doesn't seem like it would be all that
difficult to implement, I had this sneaking suspicion that I was
about to reinvent the wheel (ok, this doesn't quite deserve "wheel"
status; more like reinventing the paperclip), and thought I'd ask
around first to see if anyone had already come up with a better way.


Anyone know of a program that already does this? Or, if not, has
anyone done this themselves and would be willing to share with me how
you did it?

A point in any interesting direction would be greatly appreciated.

   "Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were 
    a member of Congress. But I repeat myself." 
        - Mark Twain
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