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Re: tlug: directions...

>>>>> "jb" == Jonathan Q <> writes:

    jb> So we have a good number of free software developers present
    jb> here, I'd say.

    jb> Did I forget anyone?

Frank Bennett is working on a translation server, which AFAIK is GPL.
Simon Cozens, Perl.  Scott and Adrian, Turbolinux; TL did some evil
stuff with clusters, but all of Scott and Adrian's stuff is GPL AFAIK.
Craig Oda, also TL; dunno how much development he does, though, and
haven't heard from him in a while.  I could swear I've seen Jim T's
name on some Python stuff, but maybe he's just an evangelist.  Marc
Christiansen is an honorary TLUGer, at Caldera.  Dunno if Jim S is
doing development, ex-Linuxcare.

University of Tsukuba                Tennodai 1-1-1 Tsukuba 305-8573 JAPAN
Institute of Policy and Planning Sciences       Tel/fax: +81 (298) 53-5091
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