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Re: tlug: Can I run an X server without a video card?

"Stephen J. Turnbull" wrote:
>     Fredric> When I run X (PC-Xware, not VNC) on NT the copy/paste
> It's really a shame that DESQview/X had to die.  For a DOS-based
> program GUI implementation it wasn't a bad approximation to a
> multi-tasking OS.
Did it ever live? I can't remember more than a set of (nice) specs
and brochures.
>     Fredric> function differs depending on the environment. In a
>     Fredric> emacs/Linux window mark copies and middle button pastes
>     Fredric> (just as GOD meant it to be ;-) but in an MS-Word window
>     Fredric> I have to use Ctrl-C/Ctrl-V to copy/paste.
> Are you sure these actions can't be bound to a mouse button?
No, but in my experience Windows is not that flexible. After a couple
or years I (almost) never makes mistakes anymore. It definitely
sounds worse than it is, especially since the possibility to cut and
paste between Windows and Linux is worth a lot.

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