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RE: Library problems with Java DK

>>>>> "Dennis" == Dennis McMurchy <> writes:

    Dennis>   One more point, though.  The same HOWTO says, quite
    Dennis> ambiguously: "In addition it is recommended that you run a
    Dennis> 2.0.x or greater linux kernel".

    Dennis>   To me 'recommended' means just that, i.e. 'NOT
    Dennis> essential'.  Any ideas on this.  I'm trying to put off the
    Dennis> inevitable upgrade until I go back to the woods in
    Dennis> December.

"Recommended" means "if you have problems, we have no sympathy for
you; we haven't tested and do not support other configurations."  So
give it a try and see what happens.  I forget what kernel you're
running, but Java will not run properly without a good thread support, 
and the 1.2.x kernels did not really have that.  Note that the new
kernels say "with support for Java binaries"; I don't specifically
know what that means, but it's indicative.

Anyway, don't take Jim Schweizer's upgrading experience as typical; he
had a lot more trouble upgrading than most people.  You do have to
allocate substantial blocks of time because you need new procps and
some other new support files.  Downloading and installing/building
those is time-consuming.  But I ran my first couple of pre2 kernels
without doing all that; I wouldn't recommend doing it with your daily
work depending on it (I did get occasional errors and bizarre output
from system monitor utilities, but no crashes and no data loss), but
it's really not as hairy as all that.


                           Stephen John Turnbull
University of Tsukuba                                        Yaseppochi-Gumi
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