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Re: [tlug] Chasing the GHOST in my machine

On Fri, Jan 30, 2015 at 09:51:24AM +0100, Attila Kinali wrote:
> You can use 
> lsof +c 0 | awk '/libc-/ && /DEL/ { print $1 }' | sort -u
> to find out which processes use an old libc and then restart those
> individually.

Or on Debian and friends:

$ sudo aptitude install debian-goodies
$ sudo checkrestart
Found 53 processes using old versions of upgraded files
(20 distinct programs)
(17 distinct packages)
$ sudo service <FOO> restart
$ sudo kill <BAR>
$ sudo checkrestart
Found 0 processes using old versions of upgraded files
$ man checkrestart

checkrestart(1)            debian-goodies            checkrestart(1)

       checkrestart  -  check  which  processes need to be restarted
       after an upgrade

       checkrestart [ -hvpa ] [  -b  blacklist_file  ]  [  -i  pack‐
       age_name ]

       The checkrestart program tries to determine if there are pro‐
       cesses in the system that need to be restarted after a system
       upgrade.  This  is  necessary  since  an upgrade will usually
       bring new system libraries  and  running  processes  will  be
       still  using  the  old  versions  of the libraries. In stable
       Debian GNU/Linux systems this is typically needed  to  elimi‐
       nate  a  system  exposure to a vulnerability which might have
       been fixed by upgrading a library which  that  process  makes
       use of.

Nicolas LIMARE
looking for my next job, in Japan, from April 2015

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