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Re: [tlug] [CFP] Call for presenters - March 8 Technical Meeting

Hi there,

I'll be interested in doing a workshop in Lua scripting / embedding inside Nginx servers.

Some steps might include:

1. LuaJIT Installation
2. Nginx Installation
3. Scripting Basics
4. Scripting Environment
5. Database connectiving
6. Use cases.

Please let me know if you think it's interesting.

Ariel Monaco

Ariel Monaco - Systems Engineer - Senior Open Source Specialist
Tel. +81 (0) 80-5058-3337

On 10 February 2014 14:55, Dotpix <> wrote:

i can show a very easy project to create a domotic system to control
everything you want remotely from your mobile phone (light, heater,
shutters and toilet if you wish) .
I created this aiming to be the most easy project to do with the most
effective and useful result possible.
People at hackmeeting loved it.

P.S. I need a wired connection because i haven't upgraded it to wireless
yet (lack of time) and i believe wired is more reliable.

Giorgio Scarsella

> our next Technical Meeting will be held on March 8 (Saturday) at IIJ.
> if you are working on any personal or professional project, or just have anything interesting you'd like to present, please let us know!

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