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Re: [tlug] OT: Buffalo AirStation config

>>> Here is a crude version:
>>>   LAN tab of the config, uncheck DHCP, click 設定, then restart the router.
>>> ...
>> That just disables DHCP. What keeps a wifi client from continuing to
>> use the lease it's already been given, as per the policy of some DHCP
>> client daemons when no DHCP offer is received?

The restart was needed to get rid of the existing leases. (I.e. just
unchecking DHCP didn't have the effect I was after.)

>> Or, more to the point, what keeps a wifi user from simply setting a
>> static IP? I imagine your method would keep smaller children out, but
>> a teenager (or at least the teenager child of a proud Linux-using
>> parent!) would figure that one out in about a day or so.

If that happens I'll be very proud ;-) might be worth bringing up the basics of TCP/IP at the dinner
table, and then explain how I am blocking them, to see if they spot the

> And from there to MAC spoofing is just a step. Guess what, such kids
> will prefer to hack a neighbor's WiFi, if they fear monitoring...

Ooh, even prouder - as then they can teach me something!

But going back to the topic of my original off-topic question: if I had
the router configured to allow certain handsets to only use internet
between 4pm and 5pm, and 8pm and 9pm, when it gets to 5pm they will
shrug and get on with homework. You can cross a busy road when the
lights are red, but the effort/risk is more than the benefit so just
about everyone will wait for the green light almost all of the time. It
is easier to go with the flow, especially when you know it is what you
are supposed to be doing.


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