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Re: [tlug] [OT] Looking for Javascript 3-toggle button


Thank you so much for the code!

I guess it is a small and trivial matter, but I'm still very much in the
copy-and-paste stage of using Javascript, so for me it's a huge leap

The code as provided didn't work right away, so I tried to modify it a
bit, and also customize it, but I'm not sure what is holding it back.

Some of the changes I made beyond changing some names was: there was a
comma where a period should be, I changed the switcher to use images
instead of colours, and I moved the Javascript to be in a separate file.

Here is the Javascript part as it now is:

var images = new Array( "green.png",

(function buttonClicked(threestate) {
    var newimage = images.shift();
    var ctrl = document.getElementById(radar);
    button.styles.backgroundImage = newimage;

And here it is in the HTML (extraneous HTML ommitted):

    <script type="text/javascript"

<input type="button"
            value="" />

I use Firebug to debug Javascript, and it's saying:

radar is not defined
buttonClicked(Object { name="threestate"})button_3_stage.js (line 12)
button_3_stage.js()button_3_stage.js (line 9)
var ctrl = document.getElementById(radar);

I thought I defined "radar" because that is the ID of the button...? Am
I mixed up about how the Javascript identifies which button to use?

Thank you for any advice.

Dave M G

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