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Re: [tlug] Weird xmodmap problem

On Sun, 22 Nov 2009 19:14:18 +0900, "Stephen J. Turnbull"
<> wrote:

>  > Hmm. No. It maps to 0xfe03 as evidenced by this output of xev, but it
>  > is recognised as ISO_Level3_Shift, which is what I want:
> Maybe it's what *you* want, but *xmodmap* is documented as wanting
> mode_switch == 0xff7e on all the systems I have access to.

I'm sure this installation of Xorg also requires that Mode_Switch be
0xff7e. Here, however, it's not Mode_Switch that is happening, but
ISO_Level3_Shift instead.

> Something weird is going on here.  State 0x10 means that some modifier
> is on.  Do you have the caps lock set or something?


Caps lock is 0x02.

>  > This is X11R7.4. There are no configuration files any more.
> The joke's on you, then.

That's pretty much what I thought.

> I'm out of ideas at the moment; the only one I have really is checking
> out the sources, and I'm not serious about that, I certainly
> don't intend to do it.

Nor do I. I've remapped é and è to another key for now and I almost never
use Spanish, so I've not bothered with the ñ.

Thanks for answering, anyway.

G. Stewart -

There are only 10 kinds of people in the world: Those who understand
binary, and those who don't.

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