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Re: Linux docs (was:Re: [tlug] Re: IPv6)

On Wednesday 21 November 2007 19:28, wrote:
>I imagine that binary compatability is nill (The whole
>Different kernel thing and all), but what is source
>compatability like between Linux and Unix in most cases?

Sorry for the slow response; last Thursday was Thanksgiving so i took 
most of the week off. As to your question, source compatibility between 
all Unix-like systems (including Linux) is generally quite good. All 
the software that i use on a daily basis runs on OpenBSD, for instance, 
so it would be possible for me to switch to that on my desktop if i so 
chose. As for binary compatibility, sometimes it is possible. Most 
Unixes have some way to run other Unixes' binaries that works (for some 
definition of "works"). In the case of OpenBSD, it can generally run 
Linux binaries that don't depend on functionality present in the Linux 
kernel but not in other systems. However, running foreign binaries is a 
hassle and usually it is better to install a native package or compile 
from source. Binary compatibility is really only worth the effort for 
proprietary software where source is not available. That said, i don't 
use enough proprietary software to have ever needed to mess with binary 
compatibility and so my knowledge comes from perusing the documentation 
and watching questions on the e-mail lists.

Dan Ramaley                            Dial Center 118, Drake University
Network Programmer/Analyst             2407 Carpenter Ave
+1 515 271-4540                        Des Moines IA 50311 USA

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