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Re: [tlug] Re: Post my article on

On 7/26/2007, "Josh Glover" <> wrote:

>Dave seems to be happy with the length, and it took me 15 minutes to
>read it, which I did not think was unreasonable.

Damn CS majors thinking they're editors ;-)

I paid my way through college as an English tutor, and a good portion of
my work involved helping people edit their papers and teaching them how
to edit.

Good writing is a lot like good code: it's clear, concise, and to the
point. The article, as it currently stands, is a rough draft. We can
rebuild it. We can make it better than it. Better. Stronger. Shorter.

I don't agree with some of the assumptions and conclusions of the
article, but if it's going to be published, it needs to go through an
editing cycle until it's ready to be published.

WRT hosting it on the TLUG site, if the bandwidth is there I'm OK with
it once the article is ready.

Oh, and after the cuttin's done, it needs to be formatted to a readable
column width :)


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