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Re: [tlug] Hangup on etch boot

Jim wrote:
> Charles Muller wrote:
>> I also confirmed that without my fstab entry, the drive is 
>> still assigned the same address of "/dev/sdb1". 
> Although not likely, it's possible that sometimes your computer 
> assigns /dev/sda as your USB drive and /dev/sdb as your real SCSI 
> drive. That quickly goes no where when trying to 
> mount /dev/sdax partitions of your USB drive. 

To test this theory you could create a udev rule for your USB drive to
ensure it is always assigned the same address. Just make sure it is
different to the address your system lives on ;-)

Reading /usr/share/doc/udev/README.gz and Googling for _udev rules_
should help out.

Regards, Keith

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