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Re: [tlug] PHS Under Linux (& Mac)


I had used

1. JRC (the previous model)
with Debian GNU/Linux. It looks USB ACM standard modem.
JRC one need to make driver source patched
because it has strange devid.

I have also experience CF PHS card and it is quite easy
to use with linux. Because it looks standard modem.


2006/6/19, BABA Yoshihiko <>:

On Monday, June 19, 2006, at 02:15PM, Keith Bawden <> wrote:

>Before I start shopping in earnest I was wondering if anyone here might
>know if there are any USB based PHS devices that work under both Mac OS
>X and Linux.
>If not USB based then my next preference would be for a CF card based

I've used on MacOSX with USB:

1. JRC (the previous model)
2. Sharp zero-3

HIroshi Miura

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