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Re: [tlug] Threaded email readers

On Thu, 19 Jan 2006 11:42:06 +0900
"Lyle (Hiroshi) Saxon" <> wrote:

> So is Mozilla (as a combination browser, e-mail client and web page 
> composer) being absolutely discontinued? I wouldn't care, but I prefer 
> the Mozilla e-mail client to Thunderbird - Thunderbird looks too much 
> like the very-much-hated Outhouse by MicroMuck. Also, the Composer web 
> page editor has its uses at times. For browsing, I'm quite happy with 
> FireFox, but I was hoping not to have to use Thunderbird....

I used thunderbird for a while, but now that sylpheed-gtk2 is stable
enough and has all the features I need (imap4 with ssl, pgpg mime
support etc) it serves me far better and is more powerful.
Not to mention that thunderbird is a huge bloat, it's memory footprint is
a joke and the gui response is a dog even on 2Ghz machines.
The only area tbird does better is html rendering, but I can live
without that.

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