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Re: [tlug] Japanese on CentOS4.1

On Wed, 21 Dec 2005 15:00:28 +0900 Mark Sargent <> wrote:

> ... put this,
> export XMODIFIERS=''
> export GT_IM_MODULE='scim'
> export QT_IM_MODULE='scim'
> export LC_CTYPE=ja_JP.utf8
> scim -d
> into my ~/.bash_profile 

That's an important clue. Only things that get that stuff from 
~/.bash_profile, will have that environment. 

> and I'm seeing that the gnome-terminal is now 
> using the fonts as if I'm running Japanese, 

Yup, because gnome-terminal likely uses ~/.bash_profile, 
since bash is likely your default shell for gnome-terminal. 

> but, when running an app, 
> say Firefox or Thunderbird, I get nothing, with Ctrl+space. 

If you are invoking Firefox or Thunderbird from the X desktop, 
it makes sense that they will not use ~/.bash_profile 
and so will not have a clue about the scim environment stuff. 
However if you invoked Firefox or Thunderbird from 
gnome-terminal, one would likely get something more interesting. 

Are you trying to mix English and Japanese scim windows within a 
default English X desktop, or are do you want the whole 
X desktop to be Japanese scim? 

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