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Re: [tlug] 2-QQ / HP....

Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:

>    Lyle> From the way the loose one had slid on, I thought they would
>    Lyle> have to be slid off, but they just pop off with a little
>    Lyle> force (without breaking).
>Bigger hammer, bigger hammer, sledgehammer, bulldozer, tactical nuke, ...
>Ain't no such thing as an immovable object.

Yes, but whether it moves without breaking is a question!  I once bought 
a Toshiba desktop (made in Mexico) for Y3,000 and it worked fine (P-I 
200MHz), but it had a sort of interlocking plastic case that I couldn't 
figure out how to open, so I forced it - got it open, and then spent 
five minutes shaking out all the broken plastic tabs that I had broken 
off in opening it.  If that HP had been mine, I would have applied the 
sledgehammer earlier, but I didn't want to have to give it back to my 
friend in pieces!

>    Lyle> I upped the memory and added an internal LAN board - and
>    Lyle> everything is working good, but I can't install SuSE 9.3.
>    Lyle> 9.1 is fine, but it's trying to damage the monitor whenever
>    Lyle> a 9.3 install is attempted.....
>Change the video board, or install 9.1's X11 over 9.3's.  Probably
>easier to change the hardware.

Yeah - I've given up on 9.3 for that machine.  My friend will be getting 
it back with SuSE 9.1, which updated and is working with no problems.  
I'm going to tell him to only use the reinstalled W-ME off-line, and 
then plug it back in to the LAN for going on-line with Linux (dual-boot).


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