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Re: [tlug] C vs. other languages (was: tlug-digest Digest V2004 #194)

Quoth Shin MICHIMUKO (Sat 2004-07-31 01:42:29AM +0900):

> I don't understand why so many people are so much impressed the idea
> of OO.  We are not programming the codes by Object Oriented way, like
> those languages idea may be based on. Are we saving the data with
> programs (methods)? Are we inheriting the interfaces someone wrote?
> Don't you want to access to the data directly? 
> I believe the good things with Java is only the 1) garbage collections,
> and 2) the coding style of avoiding the global variables as much as
> possible. But these points could be accomplished with even C, if the 
> project is managed by the small number of people (less than 10).

Hrm, I was originally on about the benefits of memory management. OOP is
just something that almost all high-level languages throw in for free.

The bottom line for me is that I have re-used more code in Perl than in
C, and that is due to the fact that almost all of the CPAN modules imple-
ment an OO interface, making it really easy to roll into my code.

> Regarding C++, I hope I can find some friends who can laugh together
> with this old page :-)

I assume this is the "ACM Interview" in which Bjarne admits that C++ was
a prank?

Josh Glover

Gentoo Developer (
Tokyo Linux Users Group Listmaster (

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