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Re: [tlug] Suse blues

> worked for you off the bat....
>maybe I SHOULD try the CDs as opposed to the DVD (though SHOULD not make a
>difference I expect).  By the way, I have never had a DVD drive before,
>but it said to place the correct side first time I used it.  I
>assume that I don't have to turn the DVD over, right?
I haven't installed it from the DVD yet, but since it kept on pulling 
data from all the disks right up until the fifth one (I mistakenly said 
six disks, but it's five), that actually seems like it could be a 
possibility that you need to turn over the disk somewhere in the 
installation process. Particularly since it worked right off the bat for 
me, but you're getting a partial result (hiragana but no kanji). If I 
were you, I'd try it again and just do a clean install (assuming you 
don't' have any data you need to keep in that drive). In the install 
process, was there any message asking you to turn over the DVD? Or, if 
not, did it seem to hang anywhere? If not... maybe try the CD's - you'll 
have to feed in all five, but since it worked for me, you never know - 
maybe there's something about the DVD.....

>Could you then use Japanese even if you switched languages?
>And do so in most programs? Without having to go into
>The terminal to set it up for Japanese?  Specifically, K-mail,
>Open Office, Mozilla (composer) are the things I need most.
>My installing in Japanese and then staying in the Japanese interface did
>not work for Kanji..I got the “A” as you did and got Hiragana, but a
>message about not being able to go on when I pressed “space”
I'm not sure what you mean by "switching" languages exactly. If you mean 
writing in Japanese and then writing in English, and then switching back 
to writing in English - yes, it worked fine. I just toggled it either 
way with <Shift>+<Space>. On the other hand, if you are talking about 
switching over to English language menus, I didn't even try. The 
Japanese install is working fine in Japanese, but I'm just using it with 
all the menus in Japanese. I didn't specifically test it in K-Mail, but 
it worked in Mozilla, which installed easily enough, and also OpenOffice 
Writer. I tried it somewhere else too and it worked, but I don't 
remember exactly where it was.

>It is mysterious why it doesn’t work for me…a straight Japanese new install.
I may be wrong (50-50 chance of that on about anything!) - but I suspect 
you're missing something. Again, remember that a regular English 
language install only uses the first two disks and a Japanese install 
uses all five....

Let us know how it turns out!

>By the way, that was interesting about the two button mouse solution…I
>noticed that copy/paste often does not work in various things…

And something else about that - I had a situation come up today where 
I'd cut something (<Ctrl>+<X> that didn't show up again - and as I was 
about to get nervous about losing text, I clicked on the Kipper icon on 
the lower right and opened up the Clipboard Tool - where I was able to 
select the text there and then it pasted in okay. Incidentally, working 
within EditPad Pro, the keyboard <Ctrl>+<V> works fine - the mouse deal 
is when going from EditPad Pro into another application. If you get in a 
situation where something isn't copying, try clicking on it within the 
Clipboard Tool and then trying it again.

>Hopefully it is easier.  I didn7t realie they are distributing those in
>magazines…That would be one way….

Oh yeah! Just go into about any bookstore that has a magazine section 
and if they have anything on Linux, generally you can get Fedora that 
way. I bought several versions of Red Hat that way. As far as I know, 
the data on the disks is was the same as what they were releasing 
elsewhere. So if you have a test computer to try it on, you can pick a 
set of three Fedora disks (within a magazine) for about Y1,500. (I 
worked within about ten minutes of Akihabara last year, so I used to 
wander through there every day - and ended up with a small fleet of 
junkyard machines that are great - with KVM switches - for testing 
things with.)

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