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Re: [tlug] SevenFilesFromOneOpnOf?

Here is that message again in .txt.  Sorry about the HTML - I needed to 
send a formatted letter elsewhere and didn't reset things back to .txt 

>>Open Office is based on XML and is stored in a ZIP format as per the
>>standard.  The seven files are various representations.  One is the base
>>text, others deal with presentation and other features.  It really is
>>pretty cool (esp if you have ever had to recover a hosed .doc file and
>>should the same happen to the new formats get messed you can find if the
>>text is recoverable  via one file rather than coping with all that
>>binary crud) 
> I went back to the file(s) and tried opening the one named Content - 
> that opened up within Konqueror, but didn't open within EditPad Pro.  
> (Incidentally, I got lazy and bought the Linux version of EditPad Pro 
> due to already being familiar with it - but will also be testing other 
> text editors suggested as I find dime.)  That is interesting... and I 
> can see where having access to those component parts could come in useful.

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