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Re: [tlug] Repotec print server & Linux

X-Mailer: IlohaMail/0.7.8 (On:

A-ha! This is certainly an improvement! Are you slowly returning to the
Jonathan Byrne of yore?

Quoth Jonathan Byrne (Mon 2002-12-02 02:27:12PM +0700):
> Configuring lpd (lprng) to use any common queue name such as
> lpd, lpr, lp, results in a "printer not found" message from the print
> server. I'm definitely connecting to it but that's as far as it goes.
> Googling has been fruitless, and I've never had a printserver do
> this to me before.  Any ideas?

The solution, of course, is to use CUPS. Set that bitch up in JetDirect
mode, and I bet you sen yen it prints.

Josh Glover <>

Associate Systems Administrator

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