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Re: [tlug] Security Career

On Wed, Feb 27, 2002 at 12:12:37PM +0800, Mancy, Raymond wrote:
> Hi,
> As I haven't really officially started my 'career' in IT (and I wont for a
> few more years), I am still looking at different paths to go down. I heard
> that Security is quite a big market(and rightly so I guess) which is in
> demand. I have never really studied up much about security, but since I am
> putting my linux box online for the first time this weekend, I guess that
> would be a good time to start. 
> Can anyone reccomend books/links relating to Linux security or
> security/firewalls in general. I am planning to pick up the Hacking exposed
> book as well, which should be a worthwhile read.
> Cheers
> Ray

have a look at this site:

"Take away them collisions and the common channel and it's like Christianity 
 without Christ." -Jim Breen (speaking about "full-duplex" Ethernet)

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