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Re: tlug: pcmcia card

I tried these instructions and nothing. The xterm thing didn't provide
any information? My /etc/pcmcia/config file shows the driver you
mentioned "pcnet_cs" but when I ping my router it says network not
reachable and 100% packets lost. I think the pcmcia card is being
recognized but maybe my network isn't setup. As I recall that during the
installtion I setup the network. I got my hands on a copy of Corel Linux
and installed that. Under Corel, it beeps when the card was removed and
reinsurted. anyway...

Thanks again
Jack Morgan

John Seebach wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 04, 1999 at 03:35:12PM +0900, Jack Morgan wrote:
> > I am trying to get my laptop connected to the internet via a pcmcia
> > card. I am using Debian slink. I installed pcmica-cs 3.0.14 and kernel
> > 2.2.14. My card is a corega Ether 2 PCC-T. The "link" light on the card
> > is on and the light on my router is on (indicating that a LAN card is
> > connected to the router), but when I ping my router all the packets are
> > lost? I am not sure if my problem is the pcmica card or TCP/IP.
> I suspect that pcmcia-cs isn't recognizing the card. Don't worry,
> though -- I have the same card, and while it's not officially listed
> as a supported card by the pcmcia people, it will work.
> You'll want to add the following lines to /etc/pcmcia/config :
> (Actually, I think on a debian system, the correct place to put any
> non-standard local stuff like this is in /etc/pcmcia/config.opts --
> It gets sourced by /etc/pcmcia/config, and I believe that config.opts
> doesn't get overwritten on a software upgrade, whereas the config
> file does. But I didn't know this when I bought my card, so I made
> the changes in the standard config file and have been too lazy to
> change them.)
> card "Corega EtherII PCC-T Ethernet Card"
>   version "corega K.K.", "corega EtherII PCC-T"
>   bind "pcnet_cs"
> and then restart your pcmcia services:
> # /etc/init.d/pcmcia restart
> Now, fire up an xterm and tail -f /var/log/syslog while you insert
> the card. You should see a message from pcmcia-cs telling you that
> you've inserted a Corega Ether II PCC-T Ethernet Card"
> If it mistakenly believes that you have inserted a different card
> (this happened to me after upgrading to a later version of pcmcia-cs
> although i don't remember when it happened, offhand), you'll need to
> go into /etc/pcmcia/config and comment out the information for the
> offending card. Then it should work correctly.
> Assuming that your network is configured correctly, it should work.
> good luck,
> john
> --
> --
>       Ah! Ancient forest!
> Afternoon breeze shifts slightly:
>        Idling tour buses
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