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[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index]Re: [Lingo] British English
- Date: Sat, 5 Feb 2011 08:44:21 +1100
- From: Jim Breen <>
- Subject: Re: [Lingo] British English
- References: <> <> <> <> <> <>
On 5 February 2011 02:33, CL <> wrote: > Australians are the most difficult to write for because they can't seem > to agree on spelling conventions from month-to-month Once you discount the pernicious influence of commercial WPs, which arrive set to the default YewEss spelling and most people don't know how or can't be bothered changing, the main differences I see in spelling within Australia are the ise/ize patterns (FWIW I'm an "ize" person.) More of an issue are regional differences in vocabulary. Don't get me started on the way Woolworths (HQ in Sydney) insist on labelling spring onions as "shallots". Then we have rockmelons vs cantaloupes, etc. etc. Oh, and there's the labor/labour thing. The word is usually labour (unless Whirred "corrects" it), but the party has been Labor since 1912 when the legendary King O'Malley (who pretended to be a Canadian in order to qualify for the franchise, but was actually an American*) got it changed. > and fight over it > more than Canadians We do? I thought (and think) we have much more important things to fight over. > .......... I blame Rupert Murdoch. I do too. > .... Then > again, I blame Murdoch for everything I don't like about the publishing > game. I blame him for the weather, fires, everything. He's his father's son - both shits of the first water(+). At least he's no longer a citizen. Cheers Jim (*) (+) -- Jim Breen Adjunct Snr Research Fellow, Clayton School of IT, Monash University Vice-president: Hawthorn Rowing Club, Treasurer: Japanese Studies Centre Graduate student: Language Technology Group, University of Melbourne
- Follow-Ups:
- Re: [Lingo] British English
- From: Stephen J. Turnbull
- References:
- [Lingo] British English
- From: Nguyen Vu Hung
- Re: [Lingo] British English
- From: CL
- Re: [Lingo] British English
- From: Josh Glover
- Re: [Lingo] British English
- From: CL
- Re: [Lingo] British English
- From: Lyle H Saxon
- Re: [Lingo] British English
- From: CL
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