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Re: [Lingo] いつからか

2010/3/23 Stephen J. Turnbull <>:
> s smith writes:
>  > I knew ’か’ was a question marker but thought this must be something
>  > different because I couldn't see how it would fit. Thank you Stephen! I
>  > do appreciate the help.
> Well, this ◯◯か is kinda weird, if you ask me.  「だ纔瘢韭絎竢蹠\xC2 \xBD †蓖↑
\xBE 「だ纔瘢韭絎竢蹠\xC2 \xBD ‰闕繧閼硎 ⁉阡 †蓖植 梱² 「なに」 = "what", 「なにか」
> = "something", etc.  ◯◯でも works better: 「だ纔瘢韭絎竢蹠\xC2 \xBD ≡銷硼糯\xA2
\xBE │犛閻洹鬆² 「なんでも」 = "anything" ("whatever"), etc.

なるほど. "か" has a raft of other vaguely interconnected roles. Naoko
Chino (All About Particles) lists 10. She mentions the rhetorical role, but
only in the sentence-end context. Obviously it's a bit wider than that.


Jim Breen
Adjunct Snr Research Fellow, Clayton School of IT, Monash University
Treasurer: Hawthorn Rowing Club, VCA Secondary School, Japanese Studies Centre
Graduate student: Language Technology Group, University of Melbourne

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