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Re: [Lingo] らっしゃる

Stephen J. Turnbull said:
> should do.  :-)  If you *are* a pretentious Tokyo female and/or the
> person isn't really a friend but rather is a familiar "meue",
> まだ纔瘢韭絎竢蹠\xC2
\xC9 抅蜴\xEB 彦跛 黶洹 抅蜩 蜴 竅黼 \xC9 艱\xF4 \xE1 黼\xF8 竏瘤艱 瘤\xE4 迴洹 捃 夬譎鏈\xA9

忻彿粡笏 黶粔\xBA
らっしゃる	(v5aru,vi,abbr,hon) to be; to come; to go
v5aru is "Godan verb - -aru special class"
I couldn't find what "aru special class" is but probably  didn't look in
the right place.

Steve S.

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