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Re: [Lingo] [NL] Word order

On Thu, 14 Sep 2006 12:32:00 +0200, David Stibbe gmail
<> wrote:

> It has to do with the noun being male/female or asexual I believe.

Actually, the terms are masculine (mannelijk), feminine (vrouwelijk) and
neuter (onzijdig) , but I got what you meant :)

> A 'lidwoord' indicates the sex of a word.  Use 'de' for male/female
> and 'het' for asexual.


So, in short, the adjective remains unmodified for neuter words. I
should have known that and I think I did learn it a while back, but
must have forgotten :(

Zo'n fout was dom. Vorige maand was ik in Belgiƫ bij het
verjaardagsfeest van een vriend die nabij Brussel woont. Er waren er
Vlamingen en Nederlanders (die wat verschillende uitspraak hebben!) en
ik kon zonder probleem met ze in het Nederlands praten.

G. Stewart -

Why do people pay to go up tall buildings and then put money in
binoculars to look down at things on the ground?

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